Ok well in case none of you know..I LOVE INUYASHA!Yes I love that little hanyou with his doggy ears!I'll make a list of what I love about him.
What I Love About Inuyasha
1.His voice.It's just so cute!So annoyed sounding and yet so sweet.
2.The way he talks.He has such cute mannerisms.Like meh,feh.Then his little one liners!
3.His hair.His long,flowing,beautiful silver hair!I love his hair I just wish I could rake my hands through it.
4.His doggy ears.I want to tweak them.I love the way they twitch.
5.His claws.They are so long and claws are my favorite weapon.
6.His personality.He may come off as a jerk and that he just doesn't care but he's such a big softie.I love it when guys are like that.
7.His clothes.I know his pants are big but they suit him well enough don't you think?The red suits him very well.
8.The way he fights.I love the way he fights.I know he basically just charges at them without really thinking but I kind of like it even though I care for fighting when theres a plan.The way he fights is just so Inuyasha.
9.The way even after Kikyo pinned him to the tree he stills loves her and tries to help her.
10.The way he won't show his feelings for Kagome.You know he cares about her but he just seems too proud to tell I think it's so cute!
11.His eyes.Oh god his eyes!Amber eyes are only meant for Inuyasha.
12.His human form.Even when Inuyasa is human he's pretty cute.He shows his feelings for Kagome more which is also good.
13.His demon form is awesome.I love how is voice gets so scary.It sounds like he is so hateful.
14.I like it when Inuyasha takes his shirt off....
As you can see I love Inuyasha very much so......I wish guys that fine were on this earth.But alas it will never happen*kisses Inuyasha*Au revoir ma ami Inuyasha.